Wednesday 30 May 2012

In this blog I want to share several conflicts between the PMI's PMP (Project Management Professional) standards and actual work environment(s) to manage project(s). I've written my experiences, not intended to any others.

If anyone wants to know the details about PMP exam preparation, please refer the blog mypmpexamprparation.


1) KT transfer while moving to new project or Sharing of knowledge in a project
          Sometimes people think that if they share the knowledge (either technical knowledge or functional knowledge), others will overcome their knowledge or place in future. Because of this thinking growth will be slower as we have to learn the same on our own and it may take some time. As a result next generation leaders (who are ready to take up the responsibility) creation will be slower.
          These kind of people are not understanding we won't work our whole life for one project. Once the assignment is over, will move to the next assignment (either in the same company or in different company!!!)

          In my experience, my team lead(s) told (in offline) that keep the main modules with you, to hold the grip of the project. Of course I didn't follow this suggestion as I know I won't work in a project (or assignment) for my whole life!!! Observed in other projects in my work environment(s), also heard similar experiences from known people. Some people indirectly says the same that if we ask any doubts, they'll assign different work or more challenging work thereby they can skip to answer our queries.

         If these kind of experiences happen, sometimes people also follow the same in their career. Some people may think we had some bad experiences with their managers or supervisors or seniors, hence they want to do the same to their reportees or sub-ordinates or juniors. My manager told the same with me when I discussed the problems which I faced.

          Some organizations are maintaining the lessons learned for future project references which are useful to the employees. 

2) Management styles
         In real life, we'll see many management styles apart from the defined ones in various books, websites, etc. Some people(managers or leads) are thinking management means 'Getting things done'. How to do things is mainly depends on the personality of the managers or leads. Here are some management styles.

       Some supervisors (or managers or leads) support or listen to only some of the team members (may be based on the personalities, or language or region or other things) instead of listening all the team members' opinions. As a result synergy of the team members is not happening at right times, sometimes team members are leaving the project or company if these kind of things happen for long time.

      Some supervisors treat differently when the team member asks release (either because of personal constraints or professional things or both).

      Sometimes two supervisors will have differences between themselves, and puts pressure on the team member(s). Team member has to work forcibly in two modules (or assignments or projects)!!

      Sometimes supervisor won't inform the task to team member unless until the team member asks or unless until the issue escalates.

      Some supervisors understand the team member's role and responsibility; helps in their career growth and also promotes them to next generation managers, these supervisors are the leaders.

3) Onsite Offshore Model 
     This is the other annoying experience which we frequently in work environment. 

     If we ask any queries to the onsite folks, sometimes they'll say that they are busy with client meetings or production issues or they don't have time now. And the same people will share the necessary information in front of clients, managers, or in meetings that they know all and others don't know much either for good appraisal or to stay in onsite for some more time or both. If they return to offshore, some people change company as their current company is not offering onsite opportunity.

     Sometimes an offshore team member hides the necessary information or his/her technical and/or functional expertise without sharing the info to other team members as the person wants to go to onsite in future. On the flip side because of onsite opportunity the team member's productivity increases and thereby helps in maintaining the client relationship.

      Some onsite team members are good; they'll take the responsibility on them and helps offshore team and helps the company for the revenues.
4) Miscellaneous
     During selection process, sometimes, the interviewer expects interviewee to tell all the answers what they are asking (of course it may be correct from interviewer's point of view), or more than 100%. Some interviewers consider the learning abilities of the interviewee and acts accordingly.

   It's difficult to imagine how the people behave during recession times, appraisals, onsite opportunities, other -isms, etc.

Some people might have asked the question 'what do you know about management', definitely the above ones are not. I know the fact that getting certified is different from the actual or real-time experience. I'm not telling which is good or which is bad, it's up to oneself how to think and/or act. My intention is to create better (not the best, since there is always scope to improve) work environment.

I've written the incidents happened to me or observed in my work environment(s), and also please note that my understanding or experience might be different from others. Last but not least, no need to think about bad about IT industry because every industry has its own pros and cons. Until and unless the mindset of the people changed, these kind of things will happen in any industry. 

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